In order for you to stay on track and reach your optimal health goals you need to schedule non-negotiable time to do the tasks to achieve your goals. Schedule Everything…from your workouts, Grocery Shopping with a list, Cooking Time, and Special Me Time incorporating stress reduction strategies.
Moving forward with your plan and sticking to what you said you would accomplish starts here. Put workouts on your calendar. Block off the time as non-negotiable timeframes like you do for important meetings and other appointments. The schedule will keep you accountable.
If you need motivation to keep you going to achieve your goals then create a buddy system with workout partners, as well as cooking and food shopping buddies. Scheduling activities like workouts with friends tend to motivate many people and you get to complete two tasks at once, socialize with a friend and exercise! Two years ago my girlfriend was getting married and she wanted to exercise so we walked, jogged and chatted around the track every night for 90 minutes. The time flew because we had so much to talk about and our bodies got toned and we socialized without any electronic devices! That’s a win-win-win combination.
Be creative, think out of the box as you schedule your time allocated to achieve your health goals. It will help you stick to your plan and increase your commitment.
This is your time. This is your year to reach your goals.
P.S. Have more wellness empowerment to share with you…so never miss a beat by staying in touch here.
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Tags: acne, ADD, anti-aging diet, Autism Diet, detox, Diet, goals, Health Living, Nancy Guberti, New Year's Resolutions, nutrition, stress, weight loss, Wellness
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