Daily healthy tips to incorporate into your regime to boost your immune system:
Start the day with a glass of warmed water with organic 1/2 squeezed lemon and a splash of Bragg’s organic apple cider vinegar.
- Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water, preferably room temperature not cold.
- Take good quality Vitamin C that is not sourced from corn!
- Strengthen immune system with Lysine capsule supplements twice daily. Lysine should be taken for a maximum of 6 months.
- Take Elderberry supplement or sip some tea to soothe symptoms.
- Take a dry Vitamin D3 capsule.
- Gargle with sea salt, lukewarm two – three times daily.
- Use a neti pot with lukewarm water to clear out sinuses.
- Get enough sleep everyday to let your body heal.
- Keep a positive attitude.
- Wash your hands and avoid direct contact with others in public areas.
- Drink Yogi Echinacea Immune Support herbal teas.
- Take a good quality probiotic w/o the strep strain.
- Add some garlic to your food or take an aged garlic supplement.
- Meditate and de-stress to keep the immune system working properly.
I’m sharing the site where I get all my supplement and personal care products with you. Goto www.nancyguberti.com click on Supplements page and then click on the Wellevate.
Ecological Formulas Vitamin C-1000 Non-Corn Source Product Code: TAPIO
Astragalus Product Code: AST44
(as long as you do not have an auto-immune issue & may affect medication)
Vitamin D3 Product Code: VD51
Elderberry Product Code: ELDE9
Yogi Tea Product Code: Y45010
Garlic Product Code: W10542
Lysine Product Code: LYS10
Klaire Labs TherBiotic Detox Product Code:THY25
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. It is not for the treatment of any individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult a physician or call emergency services.
Tags: Cold, detox, Diet, Flu, Functional Medicine, Nancy Guberti, stress, toxicity, weight loss, Wellness, wrinkles
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