Did you know that certain foods like sugar can set off a cascade of brain changes. Sugar, fats, simple carbohydrates are a few heavy hitters in this class. Let’s discuss sugar: it’s addictive and affects your brain by releasing dopamine, the neurotransmitter that is associated with pleasurable activities. Dopamine release can lead to addiction. Eating too much sugar can lead to diabetes, addictive behavior, accelerated aging, tooth decay, brain fog, headaches, elevated blood pressure, cardio issues, feeds cancer cells, obesity, depression, toxicity, etc. When sugar cravings get out of control there’s one thing you can do and that’s retrain your brain to crave healthier foods.
To change your additive relationship to certain foods, here’s a quick checklist:
- Retrain the brain to stop craving the unhealthy food and replace the cravings for healthy eating. If you suspect that you have candida overgrowth then I’d checkout the products listed below as they can assist with removing the overgrowth that is linked to sugar cravings and a bloated stomach. Stopping the food cravings before they occur is crucial to success
- Nourish your neurotransmitters with serotonin and keep your cortisol managed so you don’t ‘stress’ eat
- Remove all the unhealthy foods from your house
- Stock up on healthy slow digesting foods.
- Keep hydrated with pure water and sip on organic green tea throughout the day. You can even add some organic green superfood powder to your water to make it super-yummy!
- Develop the habit to stop eating before you are 100% full.
- Stay clear of the processed salty and sugary foods because many have ‘addictive’ flavoring added. The problem is the food not you!
Healthy eating takes commitment and remembering that eating food is a two-way relationship. Hopefully, you will develop a healthy relationship with food and not a toxic one. You CAN do this! If you need support and accountability then I encourage you to join the 9 Steps
Here’s sone of my favorite supplements: Click here to get your quality supplements, once you register an account then search for these products with the Product Codes provided.
- Product Code L03513 this is Serotonin and promotes peaceful sleep, a more relaxed outlook, and less cravings for sweets… the most advanced formula available for enhancing the brain serotonin pathways.
- Product Code is PRO-6 for 5 billion good bacteria Probiotic
- Product Code is: THY25 for 50 billion good bacteria Probiotic
- Product Code is KTF6 for 150 billion good bacteria Probiotic
- Product Code is P7373 for Cortisol Management
- Product Code is T54173 for Candida Management helps balance yeast for healthy intestinal flora.
- Product Code is A04775 for Green Superfood Detox & digest green powder to add to your water promotes Detox* Helps Alkalize* Aids Digestion* Supports Immunity*
- Product Code is OWGB for Green Superfood Detox & digest green powder to add to your water Amazing Grass is the most potent, convenient & affordable way to help achieve your 5+ daily servings of vegetables.
• Increases & sustains energy naturally
• Detoxifies & cleanses your body
• High alkalinity helps balance acidic pH levels
• Strengthens immune system
• Complete food with enzymes & all essential amino acids
• Natural source of antioxidants to help repair damaged cells
• Field grown outdoors through winter
• Vegan, Gluten Free and Raw
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Tags: candida overgrowth, Diet, dopamine, Nancy Guberti, sugar, sugar addiction, toxic, weight loss
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