How can we know how close or far we are to reaching our health goals if we do not have a daily and weekly checkin process? A to-do list is great to track everyday tasks and short term goals. Also the list will remind you what needs to be done and also nudge you to achieve your longer term goals as well.
Take a moment now and go get your paperwork that displays your healthy goal setting for 2015. Now, make a to-do list to monitor your progress effectively.
If you wanted to start an exercise regime then keep a log of your workouts and physiologic progress to get a gauge on where you are and where you want to be.
If you wanted to start eating healthier breakfasts then formulate your shopping list and go shopping. Stick to the grocery list and do not deviate unless you find some really healthy food items!
If you wanted to start cooking meals then create a weekly menu and make sure you also purchase the foods that you will be cooking.
Tracking what you do will take the guesswork out of your progress towards reaching your goals. Seeing the progress you’re making toward your health goal will provide motivation. In addition, monitoring gives you feedback on the areas you may need to improve upon to stay motivated and committed to your higher goals.
For instance: If you set your health goal to walk 10K steps daily and didn’t then you may need to tweak your schedule to achieve your health goals.
Your health is worth it because You are worth the investment of your time and energy.
Here’s to your future success.
This is your time. This is your year to reach your goals.
P.S. Have more wellness empowerment to share with you…so never miss a beat by staying in touch here.
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Tags: acne, anti-aging diet, anxiety, Brain Health, breakfast, detox, Functional Medicine, goals, health, Health Living, Nancy Guberti, New Year's Resolutions, nutrition, stress, toxicity, weight loss, Wellness, wrinkles
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