Hi! It’s Nancy Guberti, Functional Medicine Specialist, and Nutritionist.
Today, I want to show you a quick, easy recipe to make delicious and nutritious coconut paleo macaroons! You can enjoy these for breakfast instead of having an unhealthy donut or bagel! Enjoy them when craving something sweet, when you need a pick you up and even for dessert. They are you goto for guiltless, yummy pleasures.
I make two batches of the coconut macaroons in the video with one plain vanilla and the other with added dark chocolate chips. If you do not want to make some many at once then you can follow along with the recipe below;
2 cups of organic unsweetened coconut shred
4 organic egg whites
1 to 2 teaspoons of organic, gluten-free vanilla (depending on your tastebuds and preference to vanilla)
1/2 cup to 1 cup of organic unsweetened coconut milk (start with 1/2 cup and if mixture is still too dry to form macaroons into little ball shape in your hand then add more milk until mixture is wet.)
Optional: 1/3 cup dark chocolate chips
Quick & Easy:
Pour the coconut shred in bowl then add egg whites and vanilla and add in milk until your mixture is wet. If you like you can add in your chocolate chips now. Then shape the macaroons in your hand and you can squeeze out any extra liquid.
Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 18 minutes or until golden. Let cool for another ten minutes and enjoy!
Remember your health if worth it because YOU are worth it!
Stay Healthy my friend 😉
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Checkout the finished product of this recipe on my Instagram page.
Tags: coconut macaroons, In the Kitchen with, Nancy Guberti, paleo, weight loss
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