You are the one who can make the biggest impact on your own health.
Starting the New Year with your well-being in mind is easy to do with a health assessment. You will notice that taking charge of your health touches several factors of mind, body and spirit.
Assess Your Overall Living: from Very Low to Very High
1. Level of Physical Health
2. Overall Mental & emotional health
3. Quality of your connections to family and friends
4. Ability to face your fears and move on. What is then holding you back?
5. Is your life aligned with your gifts, passions and values? Relationship with money?
6. Does your community, significant others support you and enable you to flourish?
7. Is your environment free of toxins
8. Amount of weekly time your spend in healing principles…i.e meditation, yoga, quietness
9. Amount spent outdoors in fresh air
10. Are you cognizant on your breathing
11. Do you put time and thought into what you are drinking and eating?
12. Overall happiness?
Answer honestly so you have a starting point to develop additional strengths and work on areas of improvement.
Congratulate yourself on your strengths! You can draw on these as you consider making changes in other areas. To begin, look at your areas for improvement and pick one you would like to explore.
Your health is worth it because You are worth the investment of your time and energy.
Here’s to your future success.
This is your time. This is your year to reach your goals.
P.S. Have more wellness empowerment to share with you…so never miss a beat by staying in touch here.
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Tags: adrenal, anti-aging diet, anxiety, detox, Functional Medicine, Health Living, juicing, Nancy Guberti, New Year's Resolutions, nutrition, weight loss, Wellness, wrinkles
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