Choose your health goals for you. At the beginning of the process of choosing your health goals to set this year and achieve, you must ask yourself, why is this important to me? Do you have a health issue or concern that you want to avoid or correct? Do you want to set a goal to run a marathon? Is it important to you to work out five days a week? Is it important for you to become more flexible? Is it important to you to lose 20 pounds? Is is important to remove sugar, wheat, gluten, soy, corn, or dairy? Do you want to get control of your mood, anger, irritability? Do you want to feel refreshed by going to sleep earlier each day? Do you want to remove some of your own vices?
In order for you to even want to achieve these goals then you must have a burning desire to do so. If the goal is not something that you find significant accomplishment in trying to achieve or if it is not something you can attach a higher value and reward to, then it will be very hard to accomplish as you will not have any real reason to go for the goal. It is very easy to abandon any goal unless you keep the eye on the end result and have a real burning desire. A very important factor to staying infused with the dedication, commitment and perseverance to reach your goals involves understanding the benefit versus the risk.
If losing weight seems impossible and you’ve only loosely committed to reaching the goal and have not attached things like feeling better, moving better or feeling happier to the goal, then the cake and cookies sitting in front of you will likely win the contest.
Mental mindset and importance attached to each goal is the real motivator. If you are lacking motivation then surround yourself with positive healthy people so you can develop a supportive community. Go back to your goals and rate the significance and value on each one. Ask yourself who is driving this goal?
Your health is worth it because You are worth the investment of your time and energy.
Here’s to your future success.
This is your time. This is your year to reach your goals.
P.S. Have more wellness empowerment to share with you…so never miss a beat by staying in touch here.
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Tags: anti-aging diet, anxiety, DDP Yoga, detox, Diet, Functional Medicine, Health Coach, Health Living, juicing, Nancy Guberti, New Year's Resolutions, nutrition, weight loss, wrinkles
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