1. Commit to food journaling because you want to reach your health goal or live a healthier lifestyle and write down your intention for the commitment. 2. Decide on the form of the journal; be it online, on your phone or writing it down in a notebook. 3. Decide when you will journal, either after each meal or end of the day. 4. Decide on what to record in your journal. List all meals, snacks, drinks as well as appetite level, behavior, mood, sleep, anxiety, triggers, cravings, exercise, etc. 5. Be honest with yourself about portion sizes as there is no reason to sugar coat anything as you are trying to better your lifestyle, and not be in denial of anything. 6. Include everything even a piece of candy as these little nibbles here, and there can derail the best of our intentions. 7. Beware of perfectionism, feeling ashamed, self-sabotaging patterns, and instead acknowledge setbacks may happen; remember staying motivated is what counts. 8. Acknowledge that your journaling is a necessary action to achieving healthier outcomes. 9. Lookout for obstacles that may keep you from not reaching your goals and try different alternatives to stay on track.
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