With each season, change occurs in your environment as well as inside your body. Sleep, mood and appetite shift. With autumn, we tend to sleep longer, especially when the natural light during the day is shortened. Our Vitamin D levels will get affected with less sunshine so it’s a good idea to supplement to keep your levels at bay. Immunity will change with low vitamin D levels so make sure to also take a quality, corn-free Vitamin C supplement. You want to combat the start of the cold/flu vicious cycle that starts right around Halloween time with increase of all that sugar, lower immunity, and mood/sleep out of whack.
Depression-like symptoms can take over and research has linked SAD (seasonal affective disorder) will low levels of Vitamin D. Generally the depression should disappear after a few days so if it continues then it may be a sign of neurotransmitter imbalances and other issues that should definitely be addressed by a medical practitioner.
Pay extra attention to your daily food intake since most people will increase their carbohydrate consumption during the Fall season. Our brain may actually be telling us to consume extra carbohydrates to prepare for hibernation time that occurs this time of year. To negate the extra consumption of carbs, turn to Paleo foods that are comforting, delicious as well as nutritious. Some Paleo food meals can include zucchini bread with pecans, frittata, chia pudding, zucchini chips that you bake at home, homemade chicken soups, salmon, chicken dinners, Paleo pancakes using almond flour , coconut and eggs, Paleo chocolate cookies, Turmeric ‘golden milk’ drinks, turmeric snacks are just a few to start with.
Sticking to an exercise regime during this time of year may feel really hard to do but it’s so important for vitality during the Falll and Winter season. Stay motivated and committed to your exercise and living a healthier lifestyle because you want to avoid gaining weight during the holiday season and not wait until the New Year making your resolutions to think about your health.
Take charge today and start now with setting goals that you want to achieve during this season and keep a positive mindset. You must implement what you’ve learned to achieve your healthier lifestyle during all seasons!
You can do this!
If interested in reading up on a study on this topic, then checkout Seasonality in human cognitive brain responses.
- Christelle Meyer, 3066–3071, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1518129113
Edited by Bruce S. McEwen, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, and approved January 8, 2016 (received for review September 11, 2015)
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Tags: depression, exercise, Nancy Guberti, paleo, SAD, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, weight loss
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