90 Day Goals to Optimal Health

New Year, New Beginnings! Let’s make 2019 your best year yet!

It’s a great day to set your intentions for the next 90 days. Trade shorter goals for year-long ones, for greater success in keeping new habits. Ninety days is about holding yourself accountable to your long-range goals, but in smaller chunks, so you actually see progress and have the opportunity to set the next 90 days. When we give up on New Year’s resolutions, it’s easy to let ourselves wait until next January to try again. Ninety-day goals offer a quicker option. You may have lots of goals, and that’s a good thing. Giving yourself 90 days means you can focus on a few at a time, knowing that there’s another 90-day period coming up soon.

You want to be a better person tomorrow than you are today. You want to grow in some way. Perhaps you want to live a healthier lifestyle, increase your knowledge, develop healthy relationships with someone, deepen your spiritual life, or achieve a lifelong dream. Whatever your goal is, you can achieve it with a plan and a positive mindset.
You need to have an intentional, strategic plan for achieving your goals, without it most get lost or distracted. Positive growth doesn’t just happen on its own. We have to be strategic about it and take ownership of your process because nobody else will do it for you. Others can cheer you on, but you must do it.

Ask yourself these questions:
Where do I want to be 12 weeks from now? (decide your outcome)
Why do I want to be there? What’s the importance?
Define the Key Goals (what you want to accomplish)
How do I get there? Specifically, state the action plan steps.
Here’s an example:
Personal goal: Lose 15 pounds,
Great way to do this is keep your sneakers in sight where you will see them first thing when you awake. This will kickstart you to get out of bed, put them on and get moving. You can go for a brisk walk, jog or exercise with them watching an online program so you do not even have to leave the comfort of your house! NO Excuses!
Action Plan: (steps to focus on)
Intentional Eating
Biomedical Balance

One important thing to mention here, just writing the goals & action tasks down does not get them done. The crucial next step is to schedule when you’re going to do each task. Your plan needs to be detailed enough to guide your actions.

Recognize Your Dreams
Observe Your Starting Place
Articulate a Statement of Purpose
Define Your Goals
Move Into Action
Adjust Your Plans
Point to Success and Celebrate
Your dream determines your goals.
Your goals map out your actions.
Your actions create results.
And the results bring you success.
~John Maxwell

What are your 90 day goals? Wishing you much success on all you want to accomplish.

Want to become your Best health advocate and take charge of your life?

Are you worth it? I think YOU are!

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Your health is worth it because YOU are!  You have too much to do to feel SICK & TIRED!

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  1. Katiana
    5 years ago

    I love this!! I love the questions asked, I just wrote them down and answered them, and just getting clear on my intentions had me bring my awareness to all the areas I need to be focused on. I think its important to realize we need to pay attention to all realms of being, our physical, emotional bodies, as well as our brain, our mental state. Its so vital to be mindful of ours thoughts, and who we surround oureslves with because our emotional and physical bodies are like sponges and the soak up and manifest in other areas of our lives.

    All love XX

    • Nancy Guberti
      5 years ago

      Thank you Katiana! Yes it’s so important to be aware and set life and health goals in bit size like 90 days. Since this blog, I published Healthy Living Everyday. The book combines health and mindset all in one book since they go hand in hand and the best part about the book is you just read a page a day.
      You can check it out on Amazon and it’s available in paperback and Kindle. http://bit.ly/HealthyLivingEveryday

      Also, if you want me to cover a topic on Total Wellness Empowerment podcast or in a blog then let me know what you’d like to be empowered about.
      Wishing you success as you reach your 90 day goals!

    • Nancy Guberti
      4 years ago

      Thank you! Keep at your goals and you will achieve them.

  2. Ian Fletcher
    3 years ago

    Nice Article. Thank you for sharing.

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