Health, your Kitchen and Feng Shui Tips shared graciously by an amazing woman, expert, author and friend. Anjie Cho. Anjie is a registered Architect, Feng Shui Interior Designer and Amazon best selling author of 108 Ways to Create Holistic Spaces: Feng Shui and Green Design for Healing and Organic Homes. Since 1999, she has been creating beautiful and nourishing environments throughout New York City, Washington DC, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and beyond.
Granted permission to share these three tips that are straight from her book:
1. The KITCHEN as A Place to Nourish
The kitchen is the room in which we store and cook our meal and food that nourishes us. I like to think of it as a modern hearth, a place where families gather for warmth around the fire. This is especially the case now with open kitchen plans.
In feng shui it is said that white is the best color for a kitchen, because it represents cleanliness. Similarly to how white is the most ideal color for plates to show off the rainbow of colors in foods, white is also a great color for the walls, cabinets and backsplash tile of a kitchen.
In particular with kitchen cabinets, be aware of upper cabinets and shelves that do not go all the way to the ceiling. The open space between the top of the cabinets and the ceiling is a place where dead energy can stagnate and collect. If this is something you cannot change, you can put plants, lighting or beautiful objects in this space to keep the energy alive.
2. Deep Clean the Refrigerator – it represents your health!
The refrigerator is an important appliance in your home, and it represents boundaries in life and how you nourish yourself in the world. It’s a good idea to have a well-stocked refrigerator- not too full and not too empty. Or as we say in feng shui, not too yin, and not too yang.
Look at this as an opportunity to deep clean and de-clutter. Empty out the refrigerator and remove anything expired, old and/or spoiled. Spoiled and expired food symbolizes neglect of one’s overall health. If possible, compost the organic material, or find a compost drop off location and recycle or reuse the glass and plastic containers.
When cleaning the interior of the refrigerator, I prefer to use natural non-toxic cleaners such as baking soda to scrub and a mixture of vinegar, water and eucalyptus essential oil to wipe down and disinfect. Then open up a new container of baking soda to absorb any odors in your newly organized and clean refrigerator.
I also keep a clear natural crystal quartz in my refrigerator. I program that crystal with the intention to enhance the life energy and nourishment for the food that I will later eat.
3. Keep your KITCHEN healthy – Switch to Non-toxic Cleaning Products
The indoor air quality of your home is often overlooked but essential for health and healing. Americans spend over 90% of our time indoors! It is time to eliminate toxic chemicals from your living environment. These chemicals are absorbed easily through the air and skin, and are also extremely dangerous if swallowed
Non-toxic, green cleaning products are easy to find now at your local grocery stores. It is also easy to make your own with household items like vinegar and baking soda.
My favorite DIY recipe is for an all-purpose cleaning solution. You combine 1 part white vinegar and 3 parts water, with 9 drops of essential oil. Eucalyptus and tea tree oil are good options, as they are naturally anti-bacterial and anti-microbial. Shake up all the ingredients in a spray bottle and you’ve got a homemade, non-toxic cleaner.
Hope you enjoyed these tips as much as I did! There are 108 Feng Shui tips in the book and you can Checkout Anjie’s book available on Amazon.
Tags: feng shui
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