Mark my words, if you don’t know what glyphosate is, you will eventually and you’re going to want to avoid it at all costs. For about 20 years now, our food and environment have been exposed to the substance. Researchers have been documenting the health issues and potential consequences of glyphosate in our food, our drinking water & the air we breath. Reliable studies show a potential link between this thing called glyphosate and the following diseases: cancer, non-hodgkin lymphoma, degenerative diseases, obesity, endocrine issues, autism related disorders, Alzheimer’s, birth defects, celiac, gluten intolerance, kidney disease, colitis, depression, diabetes, heart disease, hypothyroidism, liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, ALS, MS, Parkinson’s, infertility, miscarriage, and respiratory illnesses. Are you concerned that you may be eating this chemical? Do you know how to figure out if you are consuming it? Do you even know what it is?
In plain layman terms, glyphosate is a chemical found in herbicides. It’s the most commonly used herbicide and is marketed under the name Roundup but did you know it is patented as the following:
#1: an Antibiotic – which is harmful to humans because it kills your beneficial gut bacteria which causes immune system damage
#2: a Chelating Agent which binds to minerals and chelates like Liquid Drano. The health issue is that the chelation properties may lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
How can anyone in good conscience, consume or promote any food with glyphosate which has been patented as both a mineral chelator and an antibiotic…both of which have enormous implications on human and your loved one’s health?
The list goes on but I don’t want to overwhelm you all in one blog post but I must tell you that the highest level of glyphosate is found in the non-GMO Cheerios so get Cascadian Farms organic ones instead.
Here’s 3 ways to reduce your exposure to glyphosate:
- Purchase 100% organic foods. One fairly easy way to cut out the glyphosate and other pesticide residue from your foods is to purchase organic items. Labeling laws require these foods to fit a certain description especially in regards to pesticide use.
- Definitely choose to purchase 100% organic fruits and vegetables. Many pesticides are used to grow fruits and vegetables so choosing organic foods will automatically reduce the quantity of pesticide residues.
- Also buy 100% organic meats and poultry. Even though pesticides are not used on animals, it is used on their feed (like corn or soy). This allows pesticides to get into the meat and skin of the animal.
- Purchase 100% organic grains (like wheat or quinoa) as these plants as well as corn have also been implicated in having higher levels of glyphosate residues because of pre-harvest spraying.
- Do not purchase foods known to have high levels of glyphosate:
- Soy (soy products and soy/vegetable oil)
- Corn and corn oil
- Canola seeds used in canola oil
- Beets and beet sugar
- Almonds
- Dried peas
- Carrots
- Quinoa
- Sweat potatoes
- Grow some of your own food:
- Start growing your own garden. Make sure you choose a spot with plenty of sunlight and use organic dirt without pesticides. Plant vegetables or fruits that you eat frequently.
- If you do not have a backyard or a large amount of space, consider doing container gardening.
Curious if you’re loaded with glyphosate? Order this urine test to find out…
Recent studies have discovered glyphosate exposure to be a cause of many chronic health problems. It can enter the body by direct absorption through the skin, by eating foods treated with glyphosate, or by drinking water contaminated with glyphosate. Purchase the lab test and find out your levels. Glyphosate is the world’s most widely produced herbicide and is the primary toxic chemical in Roundup™, as well as in many other herbicides. In addition, it is a broad-spectrum herbicide that is used in more than 700 different products from agriculture and forestry to home use. Glyphosate was introduced in the 1970s to kill weeds by targeting the enzymes that produce the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine. The enzymes of many bacteria are also susceptible to inhibition by this chemical, thus altering the flora of many animals. Usage of glyphosate has since amplified, after the introduction of genetically modified (GMO) glyphosate-resistant crops that can grow well in the presence of this chemical in soil. In addition, toxicity of the surfactant commonly mixed with glyphosate, polyoxyethyleneamine (POEA), is greater than the toxicity of glyphosate alone. In addition, in 2014 Enlist Duo™, a herbicide product which contains a 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) salt and glyphosate, was approved for use in Canada and the U.S. for use on genetically modified soybeans and genetically modified maize, both of which were modified to be resistant to both 2,4-D and glyphosate. 2,4-D has many toxic effects of its own and can be measured in another test that is the GPL-TOX test (email for details on the GPL-Toxins test).
Specimen Requirements:
Urine: at least 10 mL of first morning urine before food and drink is preferred. You must discontinue soy proteins one week prior to collection of specimen (soy bean oil and soy lecithin are considered acceptable).
Stay up-to-date with recent news and research. If you’re trying to live a healthier lifestyle and avoid pesticides, especially those that are harmful like glyphosate, it’s important to stay update with new and emerging research on these chemicals.
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Tags: Functional Medicine, glyphosate
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