Weight Loss and management can be a struggle for many. I am a big fan of gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free, corn-free, GMO-free, healthy eating regime removing anything artificial as well as processed sugars. This eating regime should jumpstart weight loss and act as a detoxification catalyst. If you are following a ‘clean’ eating regime and are experiencing difficulty with losing weight then there may be unknown food allergies or food intolerances causing fluid retention and inflammation. These food intolerances are weight loss resistant! A 2012 study reported an average of 12 pounds weight loss after being tested and avoiding IgG positive foods.
If you suspect reactions to foods then proper IgG Food Allergy testing may be crucial to your successful weight loss program. Call or contact us today to arrange for your IgG Food Allergy Test with Candida checking for 93 foods in order to create a customized food regime for you!
Tags: acne, anti-aging diet, anxiety, breakfast, Functional Medicine, juicing, Nancy Guberti, nutrition, weight loss, Wellness, wrinkles
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