Don’t Forget Them…
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diarrhea is the most common illness travelers can experience affecting about ten million people each year. It can can be extremely uncomfortable, you can become nauseated, vomit or develop a fever and certainly ruin a vacation for those who experience it.
It’s estimated that between 50 and 80 percent of this travelers’ health condition is caused by a bacteria, with E. coli being the most common. Some cases can even be caused by viruses and protozoa. Keep in mind that anyone taking stomach acid blockers such as famotidine, cimetidine, and others, have a higher risk of developing travelers’ diarrhea because they have reduced stomach acid to protect them from the bacteria that can cause it.
Many studies have concluded that probiotics can be effective in reducing the risk and even help reduce the duration of the illness. Probiotics work by supporting healthy bacterial balance in the gut and when they attach to the intestinal mucosa they can help prevent the attachment of pathogenic bacteria like E coli.
If you are traveling abroad, then L rhamnosus GG and S boulardii in particular, should be taken five days before travel to help reduce the risk of developing diarrhea.
Probiotics are one of my favorite supplements to take on a daily basis and I never leave home without them. I always recommend a high quality probiotic that is not sourced with milk, soy, maize, or maltodextrin. Click here to get your quality probiotics, once you register an account then search for these quality probiotics, for 5 billion good bacteria the Product Code is PRO-6 for 50 billion good bacteria the Product Code is: THY25 and for 150 billion good bacteria the Product Code is KTF6.
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