Thrive & Survive The Holiday Season

Thrive & Survive

Here’s 9 Step checklist to keep in mind and implement this holiday

Holiday time is amongst us again, and you may be wondering where the time went! 

Let’s tackle navigating holiday food, hectic schedules, and sidelined routines. 

Avoiding holiday weight gain may sound as feasible as Santa fitting down chimneys, but you can stay on track this holiday season with the 9 Step Checklist.

  1. Start the day with exercise as staying physically active usually results in gaining less and can even manage to lose weight.
  2. Meditate and read some motivational quotes to get you in the best frame of mind. Mindset is everything! Visualize how you want to feel and look this holiday season.
  3. Socializing with your family and friends can be done outdoors with a brisk walk instead of around the table. In between courses, you can start a dance party with great music! Play Twister and get physical!
  4. Stay hydrated throughout the day and remember that alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you. Not drinking enough water can spark hunger, and you may be thirsty.
  5. Skip the simple carbohydrates and desserts staying focused on the protein.
  6. Practice mindful eating and being aware of how you are breathing, chewing, and drinking.
  7. Monitor your liquid calories and avoid alcohol. If you do drink alcoholic beverages, then drink a glass of water for each beverage, so you stay hydrated. 
  8. Take your probiotics, and candida controlling enzymes to avoid bacteria or candida overgrowth and bloating.
  9. Get ample sleep to deal with family time and resisting over-eating. Make sure you get enough quality sleep.

Enjoy each day on your healthy journey.

All these Black Friday and CyberMonday sales and not one will help you boost your immune system, lose weight, get happier, and prepare for the next pandemic. What’s the most important thing is your total wellness of mind and body. There’s only one way to protect your physical and emotional well-being with every variant that comes along and the possibility of future lockdowns. These strategies are built on the actual science and understanding the biomedical needs of the body to fight off viruses and the necessary markers to help with the emotional component.

Now more than ever, you need to be protected and learn the truth.
If not now, then when? You do not want to be backpedaling when it comes to your health. No one is talking about how you can take charge of your total wellness and get ahead of the following variant, you can make your life go back to normal, but no one wants you to. They want you to live in fear and be dependent on their so-called solutions that do not offer actual coverage because they are not explaining what the body needs to fight off illness.

It’s time for you to take charge of your total wellness.
It’s imperative you do so, and the amazing thing is it’s so affordable!

How can you learn the truth?

1. Join the Total Wellness Empowerment Membership
Every month you will be privy to the latest research and live presentations.
Gain access to the pandemic protocol of which supplements and foods boost your total wellness.
Gain access to the membership portal with the food plans and various health empowering information.
If you need additional support, then get on a monthly private 30-minute Zoom or phone call to review your top 3 Wellness goals. It’s best if you have a plan and we start with your three goals.

Get started today and receive the online list of supplements to boost your immune system today.If you want to do it alone and not be part of the membership, learn the 9 Steps to Healthy Living: The Look & Feel Great Method. As a bonus, I will email you the immune supplement list to empower you with the knowledge.

Better yet, sign up for both and get a jump start!
The Look & Feel Great Method is only offered once a year at these savings of 50 percent off.

Don’t wait another year wishing you started.

Your total wellness is worth it because YOU are worth it!

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