Survive & Thrive the Holidays


Holiday time is amongst us again and you may be wondering where the time went! Let’s tackle navigating holiday food, hectic schedules, and sidelined routines. Avoiding holiday weight gain may sound as feasible as Santa fitting down chimneys, but you can stay on track this holiday season with the 9 Step Checklist and if you need additional support, I’ve listed some supplements that may help you.

Holidays can be stressful as well as exciting trying to manage different personalities that are joining you for the holiday can trigger a eating frenzy. If certain people that visit during the holidays trigger past feelings of insecurity and self-doubt then you may turn to food and drink to numb those feelings. Making matters worse, you may be surrounded by some unhealthy food options and portion control may be the least thing on your mind. Awareness of your feelings to certain people and food around you will make you in control of your food choices and overall confidence and happiness. Don’t let anyone steal your joy or your control of yourself.

I always strive to and remind my clients to develop a healthy relationship with food just like people. Both food and people can be toxic or nourishing to us. Choose wisely as you must own your life, body, mind and your choices. Living a healthy lifestyle without feeling anxious or lacking confidence, imposing rigid rules or getting overwhelmed is the key to living life to the fullest!

Let’s review some easy steps to stay healthy this holiday season and negate adding extra weight on and go into the upcoming here slender and strong. The average person will consume at least 5,000 calories in one day & that’s being conservative, even worse, studies conclude that the holiday weight gain does not come off in the new year and it’s just compounded from year to year.  Always ask yourself if you are hungry or eating out of nervousness, anxiety or boredom.

Here’s your 9 Step checklist to keep in mind and actually implement this holiday:

  1. Start the day with exercise as staying physically active usually results in gaining less and can even manage to lose weight.
  2. Meditate and read some motivational quotes to get you in the best frame of mind. Mindset is everything!
  3. Socializing with your family and friends can be done outdoors with a brisk walk instead of around the table. In between courses, you can start a dance party with great music!
  4. Stay hydrated throughout the day and remember that alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you. Not drinking enough water can spark hunger and you may just be thirsty.
  5. Skip the appetizers or just choose the clean food options like carrots and veggies minus the dip.
  6. Chew slowly cause how quickly we eat does matter. Fast eaters over consume. Wait 20 minutes before reaching for seconds as that’s how long it takes for you to feel full.
  7. Monitor your liquid calories from eggnog to sparkling apple cider to alcohol. Avoid excessive sugar and choose wisely.
  8. Take your probiotics, digestive enzymes and in case you get food poisoning or an upset stomach you can look into activated charcoal.
  9. Get ample sleep to deal with family time and resisting over-eating.

At the end of the day, holidays should be enjoyed with loved ones & quality food. Don’t stress but enjoy it!

 Click here to get your quality probiotics and supplements, once you register an account then search for these quality products:

  • Product Code: CDX84 Candida Plus enzymes to take on empty stomach to help rid candida overgrowth Many people will lose several pounds of unwanted weight when they incorporate this supplement in their daily regime.
  • Product Code FORM5CA Digestive Enzymes to Help breakdown your foods
  • Product Code is: THY25  for quality probiotic offering 50 billion good bacteria and contains strains of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus that have been shown to improve anxiety- and depression-like behavior, which tend to alter eating behavior.
  • Product Code: DA6707 Aipo-Leptin Benefits
  • Product Code: ZEN for stress
  • Product Code: P7373 for Cortisol Management
  • Product Code: TAPIO which is non-corn derived Vitamin C
  • Product Code: VI208 for 5000 IU of Vitamin D
  • Product Code: BCO40) for B-Complex
  • Product Code: VALA for ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid)

ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) hinders fat cells from consuming additional sugars, which means it can also help diabetics control their weight better.

Shortages in B-vitamins can have a negative effect on our metabolism. Magnesium helps your body do is improve the overall sensitivity of your insulin receptors. This helps your body better manage the foods that you provide it and turn that food into fuel it can use.

Check if you’re Vitamin D deficient because a deficiency can create an imbalance in hormone levels.

Cortisol Management helps with belly fat and stress.

Vitamin C nourishes your adrenal system.

Keep a food and supplement journal so you can monitor your progress and add in one new protocol at a time. Start with clean eating, healthy sleeping, stress reduction, exercise, supplements and keep going as you enjoy the health journey to your ultimate healthy lifestyle.
You’ve got this!
Disclaimer: You should always speak with your physician before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Just another reason why living a healthy lifestyle is so important to fight off degenerative diseases and to protect our mind-body-spirit

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