Heart-Mind Connection to Wellness

Psychological factors should be taken into account in cardiovascular care. Practitioners should ask their clients about depression and anxiety and testing for blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

What’s on your mind does affect your heart. Our hearts require emotional health to maintain cardiovascular health.

Did you know that the brain and the heart form an intricate feedback loop? It works neurologically and biochemically to optimize well-being.

Do emotions start in the brain, heart, or from physical sensations in the body.? With the use of magnetic imaging technology, it shows that it’s the brain’s role to process and regulate emotions using neurotransmitters.

Feelings of anxiety, anger, fear, and grief set off reactions involving the hormone cortisol and proteins called cytokines. This causes an inflammatory response that can promote plaque accumulation in the arteries, triggering blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks.

Cardiovascular disease risk can be reduced by 50% with optimism, humor, social support, forgiveness, faith, gratitude, and emotional flexibility. Optimistic people are less likely to die from heart disease,

To reach total wellness of mind and body, it’s a great day to start maximizing the health of your brain and heart. Remember, if you eat well and exercise but are stressed out, your heart will suffer. If you are not stressed out but overeat and do not exercise, your brain will suffer.

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