According to the American College of Gastroenterology, acid reflux/heartburn affects an estimated 60 million Americans at least once a month and 15 million people daily. Acid reflux is a common condition that presents itself with a burning pain, known as heartburn, in the lower chest area.
Common causes of acid reflux (and therefore heartburn) include:
Drinking alcohol
Poor posture (slouching)
Certain medications (calcium channel blockers, nitrates, antihistamines, certain asthma medicines
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Certain foods (fatty and fried foods, chocolate, garlic and onions, Raw onions might also irritate the lining of the esophagus, causing worsened heartburn. caffeinated drinks, acidic foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes, spicy foods, mintN
Most of the time, diet and lifestyle changes can help relieve or cure symptoms of acid reflux (GERD) and heartburn. Reflect on your lifestyle factors with regard to drinking clean water, getting enough sleep, exercising, utilizing stress reduction strategies, meditate, and keep a journal to reach your optimal health.
Watch the video to learn about Acid Reflux
Listen to the podcast and learn DIY strategies for combatting acid reflux.
What to do? Get tested to determine your GI functioning, avoid certain foods, take natural supplements to boost GI health, natural detox, liver support and glutathione levels. Stay hydrated and keep a food journal to determine patterns between your overall wellness and your food and beverage intake.
Disclaimer: You should always speak with your physician before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Tags: acid reflux, GERD, Nancy Guberti, total wellness, weight loss
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