What do you do when you get that feeling of indigestion? Reach for an antacid? Drink some milk? Good grief! How common is indigestion anyway? Well, 1 in 4 people in the United States each year suffer from it and for those people with indigestion who see a doctor, almost 3 in 4 are diagnosed with functional dyspepsia. Functional dyspepsia is having chronic symptoms without a specific cause for the indigestion.
What exactly is indigestion? It’s the health issue you experience when your food isn’t moving through your digestive tract smoothly. You may feel nausea or acid reflux as the stomach acid starts to back up into your esophagus. You can also feel bloating and abdominal pain.
Want to offer you some natural remedies to alleviate and prevent indigestion as opposed to you reaching for the OTC heartburn drugs that may have long lasting negative effects on you.
Nine Natural Remedies:
- Take a quality probiotic
- Take a digestive enzyme with each meal
- Stay hydrated with pure water
- Go gluten free
- Go low sugar
- Deal effectively with your stress
- Try a pinch of aluminum free baking soda in water for quick relief
- Sip on organic ginger tea or add some shaved ginger to water
- Add a splash of apple cider vinegar to water
Probiotics are one of my favorite supplements to take on a daily basis and I never leave home without them. I always recommend a high quality probiotic that is not sourced with milk, soy, maize, or maltodextrin.
Click here to get your quality probiotics, once you register an account then search for these quality probiotics.
For 5 billion good bacteria the Product Code is PRO-6 this is a great one to start with.
for 50 billion good bacteria the Product Code is: THY25
and for 150 billion good bacteria the Product Code is KTF6
If this is for someone who cannot swallow the capsule then all you have to do is open the capsule and add to water.
For a digestive enzyme to address indigestion, here’s a Full Spectrum Digestive Enzyme Support, Product Code V75614.
Additional support with Product Code BC9229, Fenugreek seeds are an excellent source of mucilage, which helps soothe gastrointestinal inflammation by coating the lining of the stomach and intestine.* Betaine HCI and fenugreek are an effective combination to support healthy digestion.
An amino acid to help heal the gut lining, Product Code GL102.
Stay current on the latest natural remedies and preventative ways to stay healthy for yourself and your loved ones by joining the monthly membership and getting access to all my protocols and empowering educational videos and documents.
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