9 Step Healthy Living Checklist

Most people want to:

Lose weight
Get fit
Solve that nagging health problem
Find more inner calm & confidence
Increase their energy levels
…look and feel better

Ready to make the most of your health?

You can start with the 9 Step Healthy Living checklist today:

  1. Start the day with just 10 minutes of exercise (think FIIT regime) as staying physically active usually results in gaining less and even losing weight.
  2. Meditate and read some motivational quotes to get you in the best frame of mind. Your mindset is everything!
  3. Socializing with your family and friends can be done outdoors with a brisk walk instead of around the table.
  4. Stay hydrated throughout the day and remember that alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you. Not drinking enough water can spark hunger when you may just be thirsty.
  5. Skip the fancy, fatty appetizers and choose clean food options. (Checkout my Instagram page for ideas.
  6. Chew slowly b/c how quickly we eat does matter. Fast eaters over consume. Wait 20 minutes before reaching for a second serving as that’s how long it takes for you to feel full.
  7. Monitor your liquid calories from coffee drinks, hot cocoas, and alcohol. Avoid excessive sugar and choose your sweets wisely.
  8. Take your probiotics, digestive enzymes and (in case you get food poisoning or an upset stomach) you can look into activated charcoal or Redmond Clay.
  9. Get ample sleep to deal with detox and resist over-eating.

Don’t do it alone, join the monthly membership at a level that fits your needs reach happiness, health & success.

Want to unlock those 9 Steps to Healthy Lifestyle then Grab the 9 Steps to Healthy Living Program and schedule your 30 minute call with yours truly. (Checkout the Value of Bonuses over $450!!! That’s crazy good for you!)

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  1. Alia Parker
    4 years ago


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