What are you eating ???

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and Gross of Nutrition...

You may be really surprised of what is in your food.
Learn by exploring the bigger picture of nutrition today.

Eating in a healthy manner is so confusing these days with all the nutritional labels, and contradicting information, that you have to practically be a chemist to navigate in the food maze. Did you ever ask yourself:

  • How do I eat healthy?
  • What do all these labels mean?
  • Why is choosing healthy foods really good for me?
  • What does my gut have to do with my overall health?
  • What foods are really bad for me?
  • Where do I even begin? I need help to figure this out!

Get empowered and explore the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Nutrition.

Unravel the facts about nutrition and how food really affects your body.

Becoming your best health advocate is imperative to reaching your optimal health goals and learning the facts about nutrition will empower you with the awareness and knowledge to make the best decisions on eating healthy. When I started on this nutritional journey, I was shocked to find out what is really in many of our food products and how mainstream media does not offer this information.

Most conventional doctors do not even learn nutrition in school and if anything it is the basics. I had to figure it all out on my own, through endless hours of research while getting my Masters in Nutrition. I was really on a mission to save my son since he had multiple food allergies, suppressed immune system and compromised liver detoxification pathways. It was an exhausting challenge trying to heal with food but worth it as my family was getting healthier day by day; the added bonus was I became healthier as well with increased energy, mental clarity, no more migraines, skin was glowing and I actually loved the foods we were eating.

The truth of food being either good, bad or ugly, must be shared so you can make the educated decision in choosing what to eat. This is one of the reasons I became a Functional Medicine specialist and bio-nutritionist. Some people can handle the truth and some do not even want to know. For over fifteen years, I've received numerous requests from my clients and health-minded folks asking for an online course to help them navigate the food maze and be empowered with the facts on their health journey. I have heard countless stories of people reverting back to old eating habits because the information was forgotten and they needed a refresher course.

Yes, it can be challenging and overwhelming at times to stay committed to your health goals and this course is for you to review time and time again to provide that boost of inspiration. The information shared is for people who want to know, they can handle the truth because they want to take charge of their own health and not leave it up to the healthcare system and by then it could be too late.

At last! With this Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Nutrition course and supporting documents, you can be empowered in an enriched understanding of how to eat in a healthy manner while positively promoting your well being. You will learn how to identify the foods you are eating as either good, bad or gross and then make manageable changes in your eating regime to boost immune potential, mood, loose extra pounds and take control of your health.

Learning at your pace offers benefits to:

  • listen all at once
  • listen in sections
  • return to the audio again as needed
  • watch the slides
  • complete the Good, Bad, Ugly task sheets

It's Your choice of learning that best fits you!

Food for Thought...no pun intended 😉

Do you ever read your food labels and wonder what the ingredients are derived from?

Have you ever questioned what the artificial dyes, flavorings and colorings in your drinks, food and candy are made from?

Do you like eating bugs? What the ? Yes, I said BUGS! 

You may just be surprised what the FDA approves for human consumption.

Have you ever gone food shopping and gotten so overwhelmed trying to understand the different food labels and given up trying to understand what you are consuming?

Are you leaving your health and your loved ones' health in the hands of the food corporations?

Whether you are looking to eat healthy, learn the facts, or just want to be empowered to take steps to a healthier you, this Good, Bad, Ugly of Nutrition online course is for you.

You'll learn about nutrition, how it affects your mind and body and receive task sheets to put your new-founded knowledge into action in your life. Taking charge of your health never felt so good!

Conquer the Food Maze

What You will Learn:

Today's food situation

What could be affecting your health

How food plays a role in one's Gut-Brain-Immune-Adrenal-Dgestion Connection

What's on the good, bad and gross food list

Foods and candies to avoid

Useful resources to calculate fish mercury intake

List of Health Tips

Useful Task Sheets to implement the newly-learned knowledge and empower yourself

Added Bonus: Introduction to what to avoid in personal care and beauty products because it's also important to know what you are putting on your body as well as what you are feeding your body. 

Your Investment includes all of the following:

  • Benefit 1 - Audio recording with teachings about food and several key health conditions
  • Benefit 2 - Video recording of educational slides
  • Benefit 3 - PDF Handouts with the Good, the Bad and the Ugly reminders
  • Benefit 4 - Bonus PDF Handouts of the names of ingredients containing MSG
  • Benefit 5 - Bonus Handouts of the names of dangerous and toxic ingredients in Personal Care Products
  • Benefit 6 - Perpetual Access to the Good, Bad, Ugly course with your member information
  • Benefit 7 - Empowerment with the Knowledge to make Healthy Choices!

Let's do this together!

Nancy is an expert at what she does. She gave me the confidence to explore new ways of increasing my health and well-being. Since I started working with Nancy I feel more energetic and have lost weight. I have recommended her many times to my friends and colleagues. ~Brad, UBS Wealth Management

With much trepidation we removed the bad foods from our diet and to our surprise, not only did our special needs son improve dramatically but the entire family benefitted as well. You need to teach parents worldwide! ~Julia, Mom of three amazing boys

Nancy's class opened my eyes to the truth about food! I had no clue about my food and health connection before taking this course. I have always been confused by all the conflicting advice and while I tried to make the right decisions, my knowledge was limited. Now, I can finally feel confident that I am making good choices for my family. Cutting out the bad and gross foods and focusing on the good foods has made a world of difference in our health. ~Maria 


Remember you get the BONUS documents of:

  • Hidden ingredients containing MSG
  • Top Toxic and Dangerous ingredients in Personal Care Products
  • The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Checklists

Are you ready to Take Charge of Your Eating and Your Health? 

Your Health is Worth it because YOU are Worth It! 

Treat yourself to this empowering course and take charge!

P.S. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly training course makes a great gift for anyone you know struggling with their food choices.

Give the gift of health and feeling great!  Purchase a copy for that special someone then just email Nancy at nancy@nancyguberti.com with the name of the person who you purchased the gift for and we will make sure they get the login details with a special note from you.