Functional Medicine Lab Testing
All Sales Final - Testing available in United States
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Anxiety Test Panel & Session
Anxiety Panel Test (2 Tests) & 1 Hour Session
Anxiety Panel Test: first morning urine test checks 75 important markers providing insight into one's cellular metabolic functioning allowing individual tailoring of nutritional interventions as opposed to guessing and taking any supplements and not absorbing one's food. Provides insight into intestinal health, specific dysbiosis markers for candida and microbial, mitochondrial energy production, methylation, detoxification, vitamin nutritional markers such as Vitamin C, B12, B6, B-Complex markers, CoQ10, neurotransmitter breakdown, amino acids (NAC and carnitine), oxidative damage, and fatty acids.
Inflammation Marker: urine test checks level of inflammatory marker can be linked to neurotransmitter imbalances and illness.
All Sales Final – No Refund for Health Plan, Nutraceuticals, Lab Testing
Anxiety Test Panel & Session
Anxiety Panel Test & 1 Hour Session
Anxiety Panel Test: first morning urine test checks 75 important markers providing insight into one's cellular metabolic functioning allowing individual tailoring of nutritional interventions as opposed to guessing and taking any supplements and not absorbing one's food. Provides insight into intestinal health, specific dysbiosis markers for candida and microbial, mitochondrial energy production, methylation, detoxification, vitamin nutritional markers such as Vitamin C, B12, B6, B-Complex markers, CoQ10, neurotransmitter breakdown, amino acids (NAC and carnitine), oxidative damage, and fatty acids.
Glyphosate Test urine test checks for the levels of glyphosate. Recent studies have discovered glyphosate exposure to be a cause of many chronic health problems including depression, anxiety, GI imbalances and illness.
Inflammation Marker: urine test checks level of inflammatory marker can be linked to neurotransmitter imbalances and illness.
Hormones Saliva Testing: checks estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, estrone and estriol as well as the main adrenal hormones, DHEA and cortisol. Hormones are like fingerprints, and in order to achieve optimal health, people must be aware of their specific imbalances.
All Sales Final – No Refund for Health Plan, Nutraceuticals, Lab Testing